I’d like to take a minute to talk about Peter Boscas. Our experience has simply been this; Peter sets the gold standard for realty. When it comes to quality, service, and commitment, Peter’s there. Whether it’s finding the right home, I mean really finding the right home Peter provides excellent guidance. When it comes to pricing and negotiating prices, making sure that the home inspection ended and he stays the whole time, takes notes, engages the seller, to make sure that our interests are represented.
When I look back at the process and being a little concerned about sitting down and doing all that paperwork, he was there too. And more importantly, Peter’s partners in the business are phenomenal. Instead of walking away with a giant stack of papers you don’t understand, you know what you’re signing and you get it digitally. And you can access it online so you pull up what you need.
So, when I think back over our experience of getting this wonderful new home, the thing that’s top of mind for me is still Peter Boscas. He sets the gold standard for realty and truly provides quality, service and commitment.